Went a bit MIA again... work got busy and so did my weekends!
I've just had a week off work (back tomorrow - booo!), spent a few days away with the fam, came home and did something I haven't done since I moved in to my house - tidied and organised (sort of) the craft room!!
I have been doing a couple of little things -
- more face masks for me, my mam and one for a work colleague. I haven't finished them yet so no photos at this moment in time
- sorted out some of my pinterest boards and looked for a few more things to try (https://www.pinterest.co.uk/skittleshideaway/)
- made two rough designs for new Christmas cards
- started an Instagram to post photos of my craft works, with hashtags and everything 😲 (https://www.instagram.com/skittleshideaway/)
Normally I'm pretty private about what I do but then I started this blog during lockdown and after my work colleague told my she made an Instagram for her house it occurred to me that posting photos of what I've made on Instagram is not a bad thing to do - it will literally help me to remember designs I've created previously in case I want to do them again if I thought they were great. It also gives me a little bit of feedback when people hit the 'like' button. So I started that on Friday, and aside from myself, I have 6 followers. I was surprised to have any! So if you are reading this and wonder what I have made that isn't already on this blog, then please do take a look at my Instagram. It actually surprised me how much I had made (and still had record of or still have to be able to photograph) before this blog.
So as my week off has now drawn to a close, I just have to wait five more days before I get another break. I'm looking forward to that one as I don't think I really made the most of this week off...
Ta-ta for now!
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